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Stubborn Shoulder Pain?

It's time to reclaim your health.

Our state-of-the art protocols and treatments excel at reaching your goals as fast and easy as possible.

Schedule Your NO-COST Consultation to Start Today!

Shoulder Pain Relief 

The Premier Non-Surgical Shoulder Pain Treatment Center
Annapolis, Maryland

Are you searching for an experienced and dependable shoulder pain treatment office near Annapolis?

Bayshore Medical is your best choice. Our team of medical providers and healthcare professionals work together within a single facility to offer our patients the most effective combination of care for those experiencing shoulder pain.

Anchor 1 Shoulder Pain

Get Back to Living the Life You Love.


We at Bayshore Medical Group understand how debilitating and chronic shoulder pain can be.


If you find yourself grappling with painful or achy shoulders, it's often tempting to attribute it to aging, wear and tear, or assume it will resolve on its own.

You may have experimented with stretching, rest, heat, ice, or even powering through the discomfort, yet the situation doesn't seem to improve.

Rest assured, you're not alone. Shoulder pain is one of the most frequent problems we help our patients with in our Annapolis physical medicine clinic.

When faced with downtime, invasive treatments, and costly options like shoulder surgery or reliance on pain medications, it can feel like there are no viable, sustainable solutions for alleviating your discomfort.  

But fear not, with our integrated medical team providing an effective combination of treatments, we've got your shoulder pain covered. Our team combines the latest techniques from the fields of medicine, physical therapy, and chiropractic to ensure you receive the optimal care you deserve. We specialize in treatments that deliver optimal results with minimal downtime. 

Don't let shoulder pain stop you.

Why Do I Have Shoulder Pain? 

The shoulder, a highly complex joint, is the most frequently dislocated or injured joint in the body. It consists of the scapula, clavicle, and humerus, and is supported by a group of four muscles and tendons known as the rotator cuff. While the shoulder's ball-and-socket structure provides a wide range of motion, it also decreases stability, making it more prone to injury. Shoulder pain can arise from various activities, with some of the most common causes being:

  • Overhead work

  • Heavy lifting

  • Using the arms in awkward positions

  • Repetitive movements (like swinging a golf club or working a cash register)




Here are some common symptoms of shoulder pain that may prompt you to seek evaluation from a shoulder pain specialist at Bayshore Medical Group:

  1. Soreness in your joints after periods of inactivity or overuse.

  2. Pain experienced while moving your shoulder or arm.

  3. Stiffness in the shoulder, particularly in the morning or after rest.

  4. Pain during and after activities like lifting, or pushing, or pulling.

  5. Discomfort when lifting your arms, especially over head

  6. Joint pain during or after exercise.

  7. Sensations of grinding, crunching, grating, or catching when you move your shoulder.

  8. Evening shoulder pain following your typical daily activities.

  9. Decreased coordination or movements due to stiffness and pain.

  10. Weakening of muscles.

  11. Persistent, chronic shoulder pain.

  • How do I know if my knee pain is serious?
    Pain in or around the knee that may indicate a condition affecting the knee joint itself or the soft tissue around the knee. Serious problems may exist if you have symptoms such as swelling, joint stiffness, cracking joints, inability to bear weight on your knee (or it feels unstable), and/or the inability to fully extend or flex your knee.
  • What is the most common reason for knee pain?
    According to the latest from John Hopkins Medicine, the most common causes of knee pain today are related to aging (osteoarthritis), injury/accident or repeated stress on the knee. Common knee problems include sprained or strained ligaments, cartilage tears, tendonitis and arthritis.
  • How long until my knee pain goes away?
    Every case is different, however most patients feel relief beginning after the first few treatments. After the first stage of your program, the majority of patients feel dramatic relief and have returned to regular activities, including stairs, walking/jogging,
  • Why risk knee surgery?
    Why put yourself through surgery if it can be avoided? Knee replacement surgery can be very costly, not only for the procedure but also for the down time and rehabilitation required to heal properly. The price for the procedure averages $45,000, requires two months of rehabilitation to return to light activity, has an average total healing time of one year, has a 10% failure rate within 10 years, and includes recommendations to limit activity. The pain management experts at Bayshore Medical Group specialize in the treatment of chronic knee pain and osteoarthritis and offer an innovative non-surgical knee pain relief program with treatment options from the medical, physical therapy, and chiropractic fields that can relieve your discomfort and restore joint function and motion minimal down time. You owe it to yourself to explore these options.
  • What does arthritis in the knee feel like?
    With knee arthritis, the knee joint may become stiff and swollen, making it difficult to bend and straighten the knee. Pain and swelling may be worse in the morning, or after sitting or resting. Vigorous activity may cause pain to flare up and can also produce inflammation or swelling.
  • How much cost and downtime is involved?
    If you are a candidate for this protocol, every case is different. It depends mainly on the severity and type of joint issue, the cost is often between 1/6 to 1/3 the cost of knee replacement surgery. Our procedures are focused on minimal downtime, to keep you active. Compare that to knee surgery which can average 2 months to return to light activity and a full year to fully heal, if there are no complications.
  • Will my knee pain go away on it's own?
    Like many pains, knee pain can sometimes come and go depending on the cause. It could be the start of biomechanical issues or something much more significant. That's why we recommend you have a consultation and evaluation in our office. To catch the small issues before they become large and the large issues before they become debilitating. Our team excels at treating that wide range of problems quickly and efficiently. As with most conditions, by the time they start causing consistent pain they have already become an established problem, so they should really be addressed as soon as possible.
  • How can I help to keep my knees healthy?
    There are several factors that contribute to healthy knees. The first one is good movement. Make sure to work on stretches and exercises that improve flexibility and strength. The next is good posture like back, pelvis, hip, knee, ankle, and foot placement. The last is maintaining a healthy weight to reduce pressure on the joints. We understand that maintaining or reducing body weight can be very difficult when your knees hurt. Many of our patients struggle or have deficiencies in one or more of these areas and we are experts at finding solutions.

Bayshore Medical is proud to have one of the most effective treatment protocols to date for those who suffer from chronic SHOULDER PAIN and DISCOMFORT.

Our proprietary Shoulder Renewal Program is designed to tackle underlying shoulder issues, then stabilize and rebuild your shoulder function and ability so that you can get BACK INTO ACTION doing the things you love WITHOUT PAIN as fast and easy as possible.

See What Others Have to Say

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images and information, contained on or available through this web site is for general information purposes only.  You are encouraged to confirm any information obtained from or through this web site with other sources, and review all information regarding any medical condition or treatment with your licensed health care provider.

The testimonials on this site reflect the real-life experiences and opinions of patients of Bayshore Medical Group. However, the experiences are personal to those particular patients, and may not necessarily be representative of all of our patients. We do not claim, and you should not assume, that all users will have the same experiences. Your individual results may vary, as all medical procedures can be both successful and unsuccessful.  As such, the testimonials on the site are not intended, nor should they be construed, as any guarantee of a successful treatment outcome.

©2025 by BayShore Medical Group. 

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